“I don’t just want to be inspired, I want to inspire, too!” Willa Sakdiyah NGIN Ambassador 2022
“NGIN lives the spirit of UN SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. Leveraging our diversity and co-creating with Youth, we will achieve more impact towards a prosperous and sustainable agriculture.” Nele Herrmann Valente, NextGen Ag Leaders, Bayer
“I don’t just want to be inspired, I want to inspire, too!”
Willa Sakdiyah NGIN Ambassador 2022
“NGIN lives the spirit of UN SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. Leveraging our diversity and co-creating with Youth, we will achieve more impact towards a prosperous and sustainable agriculture.”
Nele Herrmann Valente, NextGen Ag Leaders, Bayer
Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger
“Be your own light and act now for sustainable agriculture!”
“The youth represent the creativity and energy that is sorely needed to end hunger, poverty, and inequality. Their inclusion will ensure that the future is safe, and resources are utilized responsibly to ensure sustained food safety for years to come.”
Dickson Naftali, Head of Generation Africa, AGRA
“Youth, women, and people with disabilities should be at the center of the food systems transformations towards achieving the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.”
Divine Ntiokam, Founder and CEO, GCSAYN
What’s an NGINeer?
What’s an NGINeer? “a young person in agriculture dedicated to putting good agricultural and food systems knowledge to practical use towards the UN SDGs.”
Vorige slide
Volgende slide


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Stay tuned !

NGIN is starting up!
Sign up with your email address to be the first to know about opportunities.

The NextGen Ag Impact Network[NGIN]

is the global network of networks for, with, and by NextGen Agricultural Leaders. Our aim is to empower youth in agriculture and related fields by including them right from the start:

Together, we will co-create a structure, programs, and a community to unlock resources and energy for transformational impact towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

NGIN is inclusive to all relevant sectors: farmers, business, academia, think tanks, NGOs, international organizations, politics, and – most importantly – the next generation of agricultural leaders.

NGIN gives young changemakers a voice, a vote, and a role in an ecosystem for impact.

17 Goals, 16 Partners, 1 Objective – NGIN empowers youth!

What’s an NGINeer???


[noun] | [en-jə-ˈnir]

a young person in agriculture dedicated to putting good agricultural and food systems knowledge to practical use towards the UN SDGs.

Comes up with big, hairy, audacious ideas to change the world on a regular basis. Typically, never gives up until a problem is solved and will insist on making agriculture attractive for future generations.

Our Vision

Young changemakers in agriculture become the agricultural leaders of the future who impact on the ecological, economic, and social transformation of food systems.

Our Mission

Together, we empower a purpose driven NextGen Ag Leadership movement with the ultimate goal of creating a more sustainable and prosperous future in agriculture.

NGIN Principles

NGIN Objectives

  • partnership-based to create stronger impact, together
  • for, with, and by NextGen Agricultural Leaders
  • global in scope
  • inclusive and diverse
  • based in science
  • united behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • to co-create and establish a global network of networks for future-proof perspectives in agriculture
  • to match the needs of the next generation of agricultural leaders with program offerings, networks, and opportunities
  • to empower a purpose driven NextGen Ag Leadership movement to create a more sustainable & prosperous future in agriculture
  • to shape the future of sustainable agriculture, together!

How will we do it?

We bring together young changemakers and impactful actors from agriculture and food value chains and empower NextGen Ag Leadership through community building and networking, training and upskilling, mentoring, advocacy, speaking and job opportunities, entrepreneurial programs and more…

Please stay put and see below for our Stay tuned section!



NGIN Board

NGIN Partners

NGIN - Q & A

At NGIN, we set out to empower the next generation of agricultural leaders through community building and networking opportunities, training and upskilling, mentorship offers, advocacy opportunities as well as opportunities in the incubation, entrepreneurial and job segments. NGIN has recently started the co-creation process so please stay put for upcoming opportunities!

NGIN and its partners will listen to the needs and demands of youth in agriculture and work on creating offers that match these needs. NGIN is co-created by a diverse group of actors and organizations, including Youth from the very beginning – please chip in with your ideas!

Are you a NextGen Ag Leader or do you want to become one? Then, let’s shape the future of sustainable agriculture together! You can take the first step today by joining our email list. We will keep you updated as we develop NGIN and launch our pilot program and activities. As we co-create NGIN we will always be looking for ways to include and engage as many fellow young people as possible. So, leave us a comment or your idea in our get in touch section.

We want to grow! Effective partnerships and collaborations are an essential part of NGIN! We work to actively contribute to giving life to SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). We welcome impactful organizations that are committed to agriculture and sustainable food systems and share NGIN’s vision and principles. Send us a message via our contact form if you are interested and please outline what you would like to bring to the table. We are excited to learn more about you and will get back to you as soon as possible.


The Coalition of Intent has started the NGIN co-creation process. Please sign up for updates on the development of NGIN in our stay tuned! section.

NGIN’s focus is on empowering young people in agriculture and related fields by leveraging the powers of co-creation and partnerships. NGIN recognizes that all SDGs are interrelated. However, a few SDGs stand out as primary focus: SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). But this is not all: NGIN also contributes to achieving all other SDGs. As stated in the Principles and Objectives, NGIN is inclusive and diverse and united behind the UN SDGs.

To stay tuned on the unfolding of NGIN or to get in touch, please go to the respective sections of the website. Thank you for your interest and we are looking forward to hearing from you!

NGIN is the NextGen Ag Impact Network, the new, global, inclusive and intergenerational network of networks for, with, and by young people in agriculture and related fields. NGIN creates a community, programs, and opportunities to contribute to an impactful transformation of agricultural ecosystems towards sustainability, in line with the UN SDGs. Please watch our short video to find out more from the Coalition of Intent.

The Coalition of Intent is the founding partners’ coalition of 17 different organizations and individual contributors who believe in NGIN’s vision and mission, principles and objectives and have committed to co-creating this global new network of networks. The Coalition of Intent Partners work on equal terms with each other to develop and implement NGIN.

NGIN’s vision is for young changemakers in agriculture to become the agricultural leaders of the future who impact on the ecological, economic, and social transformation of food systems. Our mission is to empower a purpose driven NextGen Ag Leadership movement with the goal of creating a more sustainable and prosperous future in agriculture. We set out to achieve this by bringing together a global Coalition of diverse partners including young people from the start, by representing all relevant sectors and working together to co-create a network of networks and programs for impact.

We are committed to our guiding principles! NGIN is partnership-based; co-created for, with, and by NextGen Agricultural Leaders; NGIN is global in scope; inclusive and diverse; based in science; and united behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

NGIN sets out to co-create and establish a global network of networks for future-proof perspectives in agriculture. We match the needs of the next generation of agricultural leaders with program offerings, networks, and opportunities leveraged through the Coalition of Intent and their networks as well as future NGIN partners. NGIN empowers a purpose driven NextGen Ag Leadership movement with the goal of creating a more sustainable & prosperous future in agriculture. NGIN’s overall objective is to shape the future of sustainable agriculture, together, leveraging the values of partnerships, collaboration, and multi-stakeholder dialogue.

NGIN puts young people in agriculture and related fields in the driver’s seat and makes their voices count. Youth co-creates NGIN! Its programs and opportunities are co-designed by and for youth. NGIN’s focus lies on driving knowledge, skills, networks, and solutions towards sustainable agriculture. It allows for intergenerational and reciprocal learning, engaging, and steering. Youth movements are a prominent group in the early supporters’ Coalition of Intent!

To us, NextGen Agricultural Leaders are those engaged young people across the globe who are determined to contribute to more sustainable food systems. We believe that – in a first step – we can bring most benefit to young leaders of the approximate ages of 15 to 29.

Get in touch!

We are in this together! Got an idea, suggestion, or question?
Share it with us!

NGIN Photo Competition 2023!

Announcing the winners & community winners of our NGIN Photo Competition 2023


After intense deliberation, our jury selected 3 outstanding winners for our NGIN Photo Competition 2023 “Youth in Agriculture: Part of the Solutions to Climate Change”. Furthermore, the NGIN Community voted for their 3 favourite photos from this year’s photo competition runner-ups. 


Join us as we congratulate the 3 winners of the NGIN Photo Competition 2023: 

First Place – 1000 Euro: Obed Yaoseh from Ghana: Seeds of Change, Nurturing a Greener Tomorrow.

“This image symbolizes a brighter future – nurturing food security, green economies, and poverty alleviation in Ghana and Africa.

Second Place – 500 Euro: Nafesat Lawal from Nigeria: Go Green

“Let’s go green! It’s always fulfilling going green: waste no more and together we can go green!”

Third Place – 200 Euro: Deblina Raj from India: Floating Farm


“A female farmer works on a vegetable garden built on a floating platform resistant to flooding water in Sunderban region in India, one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change-induced water level rise and frequent flooding”.

A huge congratulations also to our Community Winners Eric Rukebesha from Rwanda, Oluwatobi Joseph form Nigeria, and Daniel Alayande form Nigeria, as well as to the winner of the Ambassador’s Choice prize – NGIN ambassador from Bolivia, Jhanira Rodríguez.

Thank you all for capturing the spirit of innovation, sustainability, and the power of youth in shaping the future! Through your lenses, you invite the world to learn and reflect on challenges and solutions. And you instill your passion in all of us!


A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who participated in the Photo Competition and sent in their photos.

Thank you also to the Photo Competition sponsor, Bayer and to the NGIN Ambassadors and NGIN Board members supporting this important initiative.


Stay tuned for more initiatives amplifying the voices of our future leaders!